Monday, November 30, 2009

Black Friday

This adventure was also inspired by the thought...hey...that's something I've never done before. What the heck! I think I'll go to Walmart at 5 in the morning on Black Friday and see what it's like!
The story begins as Jen and I set our alarms for 4:40 am only to hit the snooze once, and then roll out of bed, grumbling and thinking... "is this gonna be worth it????" I decided to go with early morning look, I left my flannel polka dot pajama pants on, accompanied with a BYU sweatshirt for good luck, and a wonderful green beanie covered my messy hair, I kept the natural look by leaving the mascara residue under my eyes, and didn't even bother to brush my teeth! :)
So, Jen and I headed down to Walmart and rolled in at 5:15 to see the parking lot completely full. People were hustling and bustling in and out of the store, and I thought out loud..."what time of day is it?" Not only had people lost track of the time, they had lost track of their minds! We entered the store with eyes wide, taking in all the sights! The lines went the entire length of the store, with shopping carts overflowing with items such as toys, tvs, pajamas, tupperware and cutlery??? (Who wakes up at that hour to buy tupperware?) Everyone was there, families, couples, young children, and infants. And they all appeared to be ready to go for the day, showered, make-uped and groomed. Anyhoo, we meandered our way back to the electronic section, and began looking at tvs, because that's kinda why we went. We found one that suited our fancy, and headed for a check out line. Geesh! The line was, like I said, L-O-N-G. So we decided to get comfortable and make friends with those around us. That lasted a short 5 minutes, and then a miracle happened! An angel appeared dressed as a Walmart sales associate and asked us if we only had the one item. I replied yes, as Jen was quickly putting things back onto random shelves. The angel then told us that we could go up to customer service desk to check-out! It was like we had won the golden ticket! We walked with a bounce in our step to the front of the store trying not to make eye contact with others who were probably going to be standing in line for at least 2 hours. We checked out in no time flat, and were on our merry little way, laughing at the sheer randomness of it all, and that luck had fallen upon us! It was awesome! So the bottom-line of the story is... Black Friday really isn't that bad after all!


  1. Oh jeez you just crack me right up ... I love that you have a blog ... its gonna change your life! ha ha

  2. Keep up the blogging! You make me laugh...good work on even venturing out!! I haven't ever been brave enough to do that:) Love you!
